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Nasze miasto——Xiamen

Originally known in the west as Amoy, Xiamen(map) (廈門) (or "gateway to China") is a major port city with a long history of international commerce. It is situated on the southeast coast of Fujian (map)Province at the mouth of the Jiulong River directly across from Taiwan. Greater Xiamen consists of the Island of Xiamen, Gulangyu Islet, several small islets and a portion of the mainland. Xiamen maintains the reputation as China(map)'s cleanest city. There are many scenic spots in and around Xiamen, and it is one of the nation's most popular tourist destinations. Xiamen is the ancestral home of many overseas Chinese, who have in turn contributed to the prosperity of the Island. The area is also the main point of economic and cultural contact between Taiwan and Mainland China. As one of China's special economic zones, it has become one of the major access points for foreign capital and technology entering China.

Fast Facts About Xiamen

Lokalizacja: wybrze?a po?udniowo-wschodniej prowincji Fujian, w Chinach, u uj?cia rzeki Jiulong naprzeciwko Tajwanu.
Populacja: Oko?o 2 milionów
Ludzie: G?ównie Chińczycy Han
J?zyk: Mandarin (普通話) oraz Southern Min - Xiamen, sub dialekt Min Nan Hua (閩南話)
Kuchnia miejscowa: South Fujian kuchnia, kuchnia po??czona z Tajwanu
Numer kierunkowy: 86-592 z zagranicy; 0-592 od wewn?trz Chin
dojazd: Powietrze, autobusem, poci?giem
Poruszanie: BRT Bus, Taxi, Ferry, kolejowy, lotniczy.
Pogoda: Klimat subtropikalny z ?agodn? pogod? przez ca?y rok
Bilet do s?awy: "Brama Chinach, " " najczystszym miastem w Chinach "," Czapla Wyspa "," Stolica handlu zagranicznym Chin herbaty"

Wi?cej szczegó?ów mo?na znale?? Przegl?d Xiamen.