
Tungsten Carbide Powder >>

The producing method of coarse tungsten powder adopts one-stage direct reduction method, and the principle of determining the reduction process system is:

(1)Using high reduction temperature.

(2)Big temperature range along the furnace tube.

(3)Quick speed when pushing the boat.

(4)Big boat loading or thick boat loading.

(5)Smaller hydrogen flowtation and higher hydrogen moisture.

Coarse Grain Size Tungsten Powder PhotoCoarse Grain Size Tungsten Powder Photo

If you have any interest in coarse tungsten powder, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com or by telephone: +86 592 5129696.


More info>>

1.Tungsten Powder

2.Catalog of Tungsten Powder

3.Crystalline Tungsten Powder

4.Wide Specification Tungsten Powder